anyKode Marilou
RobotPHX Members

The following tables list the members exposed by RobotPHX.

This is ~ModaEntity, a member of class ModaEntity. 
This is ~RobotPHX, a member of class RobotPHX. 
Tests equality between two MODA entities. 
Getting the entity's primary class. 
Getting the Moda::Connection object. 
GetEntitiesList obtains the list of the entities contained in the PHX. 
Getting the entity's full name (absolute path). 
Getting the latest system error. 
Getting the entity's relative name (short name). 
This is InternalQueryDevice, a member of class RobotPHX. 
This is InternalQueryGeom, a member of class RobotPHX. 
Connection state 
This is ModaEntity, a member of class ModaEntity. 
Switching the devices state to 'Off'. 
Switching the devices state to 'On'. 
Entity Startup Notification. 
This is QueryBody, a member of class RobotPHX. 
QueryDeviceAbsolutCompass searches and return an Absolute Compass device from the list of the PHX's devices. 
QueryDeviceAccelGyro searches and returns a accelerometer/gyro meter device from the PHX's devices list. 
QueryDeviceActuatingCylinder searches and returns a jack device from the PHX's devices list. 
QueryDeviceAirPressure searches and returns a "air pressure" device from the PHX's devices list. 
QueryDeviceCamera searches and returns a camera from the list of the PHX's devices. 
QueryDeviceContact searches and returns a contact device from the list of the PHX's devices. 
QueryDeviceDistance searches and return a distance device from the list of the PHX's devices. 
QueryDeviceEmitterReceiver searches and returns a "Emitter/Reciever" device from the PHX's devices list. 
QueryDeviceExternalCommunicationPort searches and returns a "Communication port device" device from the PHX's devices list. 
QueryDeviceForceSensor searches and returns a force sensor device from the PHX's devices list. 
This is QueryDeviceGPS, a member of class RobotPHX. 
QueryDeviceLCD searches and return a LCD device from the list of the PHX's devices. 
QueryDeviceLED searches and return a LED device from the list of the PHX's devices. 
QueryDeviceLidar searches and return a Lidar device from the list of the PHX's devices. 
QueryDeviceLightSource searches and returns a light source device from the PHX's devices list. 
QueryDeviceMotor searches and return a motor device from the list of the PHX's devices. 
QueryDeviceRangeFinders searches and return a range finder device from the list of the PHX's devices. 
QueryDeviceServoMotor searches and return a motor device from the list of the PHX's devices. 
QueryDeviceSoundSource searches and returns a sound source device from the PHX's devices list. 
QueryDeviceSurfaceMotion searches and returns a Conveyor/Surface Motion device from the PHX's devices list. 
QueryDeviceTouchArea searches and return a TouchArea device from the list of the PHX's devices. 
This is QueryJoint, a member of class RobotPHX. 
QueryRobotPHX searches a PHX starting from the current one. 
QueryRobotPHX2 searches a PHX starting from the current one and returns an user class. 
Initializing last system error. 
Suspend thread for a delay (simulated milli-seconds). 
Suspend thread for a delay (simulated seconds). 
Suspend the calling thread for a delay. 
Suspend the calling thread until a specific simulated time. 
Tests equality between two MODA entities. 
Documentation v4.7 (18/01/2015), Copyright (c) 2015 anyKode. All rights reserved.
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