anyKode Marilou
Application menus

This section describes that various menus available in the Marilou user interface.

New: opens sub-menu:

New Project: creates a Marilou project (world, configuration, PHX)

New...: opens wizards dialog box.

Close Project: closes the entire current Marilou application.

Open Project: opens an existing project file.

Close: closes the currently displayed document in the graphical view panel.

Save: saves the active document.

Save As: save the active document under a new file name.

Save All: saves the entire open documents.

Import: imports simulation files from others formats than Marilou one.

Recent Projects: lets you open a project from a list of recent projects.

Exit: quits the Marilou application. 


Undo: cancels the most recent operation.

Redo: cancels the last cancel operation.

Cut: removes the selected object and places it in the Windows clipboard.

Copy: makes a copy of the selected object and places it in the Windows clipboard.

Paste: places a copy of the object currently in the clipboard into the current context (results depend on context).

Delete: deletes the selected object (without copying it to the clipboard).

Select All: selects all objects in the current view. If an object is child of another, only the parent is selected.

Select None: unselect all

Toggle Link: links/unlinks the second and subsequently-selected entities to the first one.

Link Entities: links the second and subsequently-selected entities to the first one.

Unlink Entities: removes the link between selected entities.

Group: groups selected entities in an unique group entity.

Ungroup: ungroup de selected group entities.

Explode Group: ungroup recursively the selected group(s)




Bookmarks save/restore the 3D viewpoint position and orientation.

Toggle Boormark: creates a bookmark at the current viewpoint position/orientation. If a Bookmark already exists at this position, it is removed.

Previous Bookmark: moves the viewpoint to the previous Bookmark position/orientation.

Next Bookmark: moves the viewpoint to the next Bookmark position/orientation.

Manage bookmarks: opens the Bookmarks configuration box.

Clear bookmarks: remove all Bookmarks. 


Devices/Plugins Default Settings: access default configuration for devices and plugins.

Material Editor: opens the material editor dialog box. 


Make Same Length: assigns length of first selected item to subsequently selected items.

Make Same Width: assigns width of first selected item to subsequently selected items

Make Same Size: assigns height of first selected item to subsequently selected items

Align Horizontal: horizontally aligns entities with respect to first selected entity.

Align Vertical: vertically aligns entities with respect to first selected entity.

Make Same Position: places objects in the same location (the first selected object serves as the reference point).

Make Same Local Rotation: orients objects in an identical manner, matches base axes for each object (the first selected object serves as the reference point).

Make Same X: applies same X position to selected objects (the first selected object is the reference point).

Make Same Y: applies same Y position to selected objects (the first selected object is the reference point).

Make Same Z: applies same Z position to selected objects (the first selected object is the reference point).

Make Same Spacing: applies current spacing between first and second entities to subsequent entities.

Make Same X Spacing: applies current spacing between first and second entities (along the X axis) to subsequent entities.

Make Same Y Spacing: applies current spacing between first and second entities (along the Y axis) to subsequent entities.

Make Same Z Spacing: applies current spacing between first and second entities (along the Z axis) to subsequent entities. 


Refresh: updates the various graphical views.

Generate reports: (not yet implemented)

Scale: Scale the PHX entities lengths, positions and masses according to a scale factor. This tool is useful for apply a global scaling on the PHX.

Explode Mesh: Explodes the selected 3D mesh (mesh from a 3D file) to a multiple sub-meshes entities (using the source mesh subsets).

Merge Meshes: Merges selected meshes entities into one custom-mesh entity: working with native triangle-meshes (pyramid, cone, ramp ...) entities or VRML imported meshes.

Class Creator: Opens the Class Creator tool's window.

Mouse modes: (see PHX/World view toolbar)

Select: switches to selection mode.
Move: moves selected object in workspace.
Rotate: sets the orientation of the selected object.

Settings: opens the "PHX properties" window to show a summary of PHX details. 


Execute Simulation: runs simulation using the current configuration.

Add New PHX: adds a new PHX to the current project.

Add New World: adds a new world to the current project.

Add New Simulation Configuration: adds a new configuration to the current project. Remember that configurations are associated with worlds. It is possible to have several active configurations for a single world.

Add Existing PHX... : imports an existing PHX into the current project.

Add Existing World... : imports an existing world into the current project.

New Folder: creates a new folder in the project's Explorer pane. 



The Refactor menu let you automatically convert selected entity(ies) to the choosen entity type in the menu. When possible, the converter keep the source entity's properties. 


Search: searches Help file using keywords.

Contents: opens Help file table of contents.

Index: opens Help file index.

Contact sends e-mail directly to anyKode team (requires Internet connection).

Visit Marilou forum: opens the Marilou forum's index page.

Licenses Manager: opens the Licences Manager (install/remove license file)

Check for Updates: connects to in order to look for new updates.

About anyKode Marilou : displays software information. 

Some commands that work with the entities matrix can work in relative or absolute axes system depending of the Matrix mode

Documentation v4.7 (18/01/2015), Copyright (c) 2015 anyKode. All rights reserved.
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