anyKode Marilou

Allows to read the accelerations on the devices Y axis for each accelerometer / gyro of the group.

M32 GetYInstantValues(Moda::Commons::AXISValues * pAccelerations, int AccelerationsCount);
Moda::Commons::AXISValues * pAccelerations 
[in/out] AXISValues table filled in by the function with the instant accelerations values. 
int AccelerationsCount 
[in] Table size in number of elements 

The system error code MODA_EOK if no error occurred, an error (see MODA errors) otherwise.

The table is filled in with the specified axis acceleration values of each accelerometer/gyro present within the group. The number of elements filled in is the minimum between the size of the group and the size of the table.

Documentation v4.7 (18/01/2015), Copyright (c) 2015 anyKode. All rights reserved.
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