anyKode Marilou
Moda::Commons::GPSValuesStruct Structure

GPS measures.

struct GPSValuesStruct {
  MU32 time;
  float XPos;
  float YPos;
  float ZPos;
  float NorthAngleRad;
  float LinearSpeed;
  float MeasureQuality;
  MU8 Reserved[60];


MU32 time; 
Time (ms) of the latest measurement. 
float XPos; 
GPS X (m) absolute coordinate. 
float YPos; 
GPS Y (m) absolute coordinate. 
float ZPos; 
GPS Z (m) absolute coordinate. 
float NorthAngleRad; 
Angle (rad) in the range [0, 2PI] from the north direction to the GPS moving direction. 
float LinearSpeed; 
Linear speed of the GPS (m/s). 
float MeasureQuality; 
Quality of the measures in the structure in the range [0.0, 1.0]. The value 1.0 indicates a maximum reliability of measures (no added Noise), 0.0 indicates that the maximum noise has been added to the measures (GPS's Noise parameter). 
MU8 Reserved[60]; 
Reserved for future uses, must be filled with 0. 
Documentation v4.7 (18/01/2015), Copyright (c) 2015 anyKode. All rights reserved.
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