anyKode Marilou

Getting the contacts counts.

M32 GetContactsCounts(MU32 * pContactsCount, int ContactsCount);
MU32 * pContactsCount 
[in/out] M32 array filled in by the function with the number of contacts detected since the device has started. 
int ContactsCount 
[in] Table size in number of elements. 

The system error code MODA_EOK if no error occurred, an error (see MODA errors) otherwise.

GetContactsCounts reads the contacts count from the beginning of the simulation for each contact sensor of the group.

The table is filled in with the number of contacts recorded by the sensors present within the group. The number of elements filled in is the minimum between the size of the group and the size of the table. The 0 value indicates a lack of contact, 1 indicates one contact.

Documentation v4.7 (18/01/2015), Copyright (c) 2015 anyKode. All rights reserved.
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