anyKode Marilou
Dynamic entities

Add a dynamic geometry into the world and then run the simulator.

Here we will cover the following topics:

  • Rigid bodies
  • Running the simulator


An entity is referred to as a dynamic entity if it is part of a rigid body. Otherwise, it is considered a static entity. Dynamic entities are subject to the laws of physics and force. Static geometries do not react to force, but do have an effect on collisions (and collision detection). A dynamic entity is therefore subject to force of contact with static entities


Now you will add a sphere to the project and make it dynamic (the box will remain a static entity).


1. Adding a sphere to your project

  1. Open the project you created earlier in this tutorial.
  2. Add a sphere (see Creating a geometry)


Changing the sphere (see Changing a geometry)

  1. Assign a value of 0.2 to the sphere radius
  2. Change the entity's position: X=0.51 Y=0 Z=0.5




2. Dynamics
Add a rigid body:

  1. Select the Add manipulation panel
  2. Select Link
  3. Create a rigid body (see Creating a geometry). The rigid body's size does not matter at this point.
  4. Switch back to selection mode.


Attach the sphere to the rigid body:

  1. Select the rigid body (if its bounding box is not already displayed)
  2. Select the Modify manipulation panel
  3. Add the sphere to the list of Attached Geoms:


A line between the two entities shows the connection you just made:

This screen shot shows:

  • 1 box
  • 1 sphere connected to
  • a rigid body

The sphere here is a dynamic entity subject to the laws of physics, but the box is not. 



3. Running the simulator
Choose the configuration
Make sure that a default configuration is selected.
Click on the green arrow to run simulation.

  1. Marilou Exec starts.
  2. Click on Run if simulation started in Pause mode (it depends of your configuration's startup options).


Documentation v4.7 (18/01/2015), Copyright (c) 2015 anyKode. All rights reserved.
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