anyKode Marilou
Moda::Commons::DeviceServoMotorConfiguration Structure

Servo's configuration. Values named EffectiveXXXX are the ones really applied by the servo and are always <= to XXXX values. For exemple, EffectiveMaxTorque ( user define value) is always <= to MaxTorque ( mechanical servo configuration defined in Marilou editor).

struct DeviceServoMotorConfiguration {
  M32 Size;
  M8 bAngleAbsoluteEnabled;
  M8 bContinuousRotationEnabled;
  double LimitMin;
  double LimitMax;
  M32 IndexMin;
  M32 IndexMax;
  double IndicesDeltaAngle;
  double MaxTorque;
  double MinVelocity;
  double MaxVelocity;
  double MaxAcceleration;
  double Accuracy;
  double StaticTorque;
  double DynamicTorque;
  MU8 Reserved1[sizeof(double)*5];
  double EffectiveMaxTorque;
  double EffectiveMaxVelocity;
  double EffectiveMaxAcceleration;
  MU8 Reserved2[sizeof(double)*5];


M32 Size; 
Size of the structure, in bytes. 
M8 bAngleAbsoluteEnabled; 
'1' if the servo computes/accumulates an absolute angle (Rad) at each rotation, or '0' if the servo's angle is always in the range [-PI, PI]. 
M8 bContinuousRotationEnabled; 
'1' if the servo accepts rotational speed commands, '0' otherwise. 
double LimitMin; 
Negative angle (Rad) of joint's mechanical limit. No limit defined if LimitMax==LimitMin==0. 
double LimitMax; 
Positive angle (Rad) of joint's mechanical limit. No limit defined if LimitMax==LimitMin==0. 
M32 IndexMin; 
Index min for the indexed position ( angular position -PI). 
M32 IndexMax; 
Index max for the indexed position ( angular position +PI). 
double IndicesDeltaAngle; 
Angle (Rad) between two indexed positions. 
double MaxTorque; 
Max servo's torque (Nm). 
double MinVelocity; 
Min servo's velocity ( Rad /s). Speed commands less than MinVelocity are ignored. 
double MaxVelocity; 
Max servo's velocity ( Rad /s). 
double MaxAcceleration; 
Max servo's acceleration. 
double Accuracy; 
Possible angular error (Rad) of the servo. 
double StaticTorque; 
Static torque (Nm). 
double DynamicTorque; 
Dynamic torque (Nm). 
MU8 Reserved1[sizeof(double)*5]; 
Reserved for internal use. 
double EffectiveMaxTorque; 
Effective max torque (Nm) (<=MaxTorque). 
double EffectiveMaxVelocity; 
Effective max velocity (Rad/s) (<=MaxVelocity). 
double EffectiveMaxAcceleration; 
Effective max acceleration (<=MaxAcceleration). 
MU8 Reserved2[sizeof(double)*5]; 
Reserved for internal use. 
Documentation v4.7 (18/01/2015), Copyright (c) 2015 anyKode. All rights reserved.
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