anyKode Marilou

Apply a force and a torque vector to the geometry.

bool SetForceAndTorque(MODAVECTOR3 & ForcePosition, bool bRelativePosition, MODAVECTOR3 & ForceAxisAndLength, bool bRelativeForceAxis, MODAVECTOR3 & TorqueAxisAndLength, bool bRelativeTorqueAxis, MU32 DurationMS = INFINITE);
MODAVECTOR3 & ForcePosition 
[in] Force vector origin. 
bool bRelativePosition 
[in] true if the force vector origin is relative to the geometry, false if absolute. 
MODAVECTOR3 & ForceAxisAndLength 
[in] Force vector (direction * intensity). 
bool bRelativeForceAxis 
[in] true if the force vector is relative to the geometry, false if absolute. 
MODAVECTOR3 & TorqueAxisAndLength 
[in] Torque to be applied on each geometry axis. 
bool bRelativeTorqueAxis 
[in] true if the vector is relative to the geometry, false if absolute. 
MU32 DurationMS = INFINITE 
[in] Vector life time in ms. After the time life, the vector is canceled. 

true if the command was sent, false otherwise.

SetForceAndTorque is used to apply a force and a torque vector to a dynamics geometry (inside a rigid body). See also SetForce et SetTorque to get more information about the function parameters.


Documentation v4.7 (18/01/2015), Copyright (c) 2015 anyKode. All rights reserved.
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