anyKode Marilou

Reads the sensor's distance measure.

float GetMeasure(M32 * pDeviceResponse = NULL, void * pReserved = NULL);
M32 * pDeviceResponse = NULL 
(see Message
void * pReserved = NULL 
(see Message

The sensor distance measurement, 0 if an error occurred.

GetMeasure gets the distance measurement of the sensor, in meter. If the sensor 'see' nothing, measurement is equal to the maximum detection distance. The returned value, if valid, is the latest known value. Consecutive calls to GetMeasure faster than the device refresh rate may return the same value. 



Caution: measurement 0 can mean OR NOT that error it occurred. It is required to use pDeviceResponse to make the difference between an error and a true 0 measurement.

Documentation v4.7 (18/01/2015), Copyright (c) 2015 anyKode. All rights reserved.
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