anyKode Marilou

Rigid bodies properties.

Attached Geoms: indicates the entities that are assembled into a rigid body. Click on or to add or remove geometries.

Dynamic/Kinematic: indicates if the body is dynamic or kinematic.

Can collide with bodies: indicates if the body is allowed to collide with another near body:
Directly connected: applies on 2 rigid bodies directly connected by a joint and about to collide: if the property is checked, the 2 bodies are allowed to collide and generate forces. Otherwise, there is an interpenetration without any force.
On the same kinematic chain: applies on 2 rigid bodies on the same kinematic chain (but directly connected) and about to collide: if the property is checked, the 2 bodies are allowed to collide and generate forces. Otherwise, there is an interpenetration without any force.

Collides with connected body(ies): indicates whether or not the physics engine needs to test for collisions between this rigid body and its "neighbor" when they are connected.

Gravity enabled: indicates if gravity force vector is applied on the rigid body.

Gyroscopic effect: enable/disable the gyroscopic effect.

Auto Disable: enable/disable the Auto Disable flag. If enabled, the checkbox's right side button let user to configure this working mode.

Anchor size: indicates the size of the blue square in the model. This property is purely visual and has no effect in the simulation. 
Documentation v4.7 (18/01/2015), Copyright (c) 2015 anyKode. All rights reserved.
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