anyKode Marilou
SetPosition Method

Changing geom's absolute position.

SetPosition changes the absolute position of the geometry in the world. 


The geometry is moved to the absolute position specified in parameter. If this geometry is part of a complex whole (rigid body), it is the whole which is moved. The same goes if the rigid body is connected to another one through a joint, SetPosition will also move the second rigid body. In fact, SetPosition moves the geometry, as well as its connections. 


  • If your application was built with MODA protocol V3 (Marilou 4.4.8) , the coordinates are in the DirectX coordinates system (Y up).
  • If your application was built with MODA protocol V2, the coordinates are in the Marilou Editor coordinates system (Z up).
Move the geometry with the position specified in table parameter. 
Move the geometry with the position specified in the 3 co-ordinates parameter. 
Moves the geometry to the position specified in the 3D vector parameter. 
Documentation v4.7 (18/01/2015), Copyright (c) 2015 anyKode. All rights reserved.
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